Wednesday 13 May 2009

3. A session to forget

You know it's going to be a bad session when you get your money in with AA and find yourself an 80-20 favourite only for your opponent to suck out on the river. And you certainly know it's going to be a bad day when you flop a set of nines only for your opponent to make a set of jacks on the river. Anyway, basically I got unlucky initially, this made me go on tilt a bit, all of a sudden my calling/shoving ranges had changed and after some further bad luck (opponent making a gutshot straight on the river...), I found that for the day so far I have a record of ($2.20 Double or Nothing Turbos):

Double 3
Nothing 7

Profit/Loss: - $10
Bankroll: $74.23

So, after yesterday's solid performance of 9-4 and a healthy profit of $7, I'm back to square one and now $56 off my target of $130, which when (or if, should today's form continue) I reach, I'll most up to $5.50 level.

I think if I'd managed to avoid tilting, I perhaps would have came out of today with a record of 5-5, which although a small loss, isn't bad for an unlucky session.

Anyway, I'm gonna play another 3 Double Or Nothings now and depending on how I do in those, I might play some more on top. I think I just need to pick up a 2-1 mini-session and then my confidence will be fully back. I also need to remember that generally I've been running good recently and I know that in the long-run I can beat this game. The only way I'll lose at this game in the long-run is if I lose my mind and stop making the correct moves just because I've suffered a few bad beats. These things happen.

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